Green Our Planet's HydroConnect program brings the magic of growing plants with hydroponics to communities across the United States... including yours!
We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to learn science outside in a school garden and/or in a hydroponics laboratory, to have the opportunity to learn how to eat and live a healthy life and to be able to connect with the planet and nature in a meaningful way.
Get the info you need for your community hydroponics programing.
Hydroponics videos, pleaseWatch "The Library The Feeds People"Take me to the Magic Garden PortalLearn about hydroponics and how you can bring plants to life in your home!
I checked out a unit... Now what?What is Green Our Planet?Green Our Planet's School HydroConnect ProgramGreen Our Planet's GardenConnect ProgramBringing Hydroponics to My WorkplaceCurious about bringing Green Our Planet's programs to your school? Check out the links below!
Green Our Planet's HydroConnect ProgramGreen Our Planet's GardenConnect ProgramApply for a Program